
Theory Base in Stockholm


At GreyBird, we are always looking for the next great move on the road to making our pilot academy the absolute best and most accessible. In order to meet this goal, we have made the decision to expand our Swedish department and open a theory base in Stockholm. With this, our Swedish students get the opportunity to study their theory classes in Stockholm while traveling periodically to our bases in Ljungbyhed, Aarhus and Córdoba for their practical flight training. With this change, we hope to expand our Swedish department while keeping our main Swedish base in Ljungbyhed. In this way, we will not have to compromise on the quality of our degree, or the lofty standards we keep. By opening this new theory base in Stockholm, our students will get the freedom to live and study in and around Stockholm while studying at GreyBird Pilot Academy.

At the moment, our plan is to open the theory base after the summer of 2022.

Charlotte Hansen
Written by
Charlotte Hansen
