Greybird's Training Fleet

The Fleet

The fleet at GreyBird has been carefully chosen. Tecnam, the aircraft manufacturer, has been in business since 1948, and its sole focus is small aircraft. Tecnam has, in this millennium, designed the two types of aircraft we use, which is quite out of the normal compared to planes usually used for pilot training. We have flown Tecnam aircraft since our first day, and our aircraft have always delivered what we expected of them.

At GreyBird’s headquarters, we have our own commercial aircraft maintenance facility, and therefore we know the aircraft inside out. We have been certified as a Tecnam service center, and we are, without any doubt, one of the most competent maintenance companies in terms of servicing and maintaining Tecnam aircraft.

Single Engine Tecnam P2002JF

This trainer aircraft is a low-wing single-engine canopy aircraft. It is equipped with a Rotax engine, and it is extremely fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly. Handling is swift and responsive, and the light weight makes the aircraft easy to control. The P2002 performs extraordinarily well in terms of landing and take-off distances, and it can fly extremely slowly, which makes parts of the training a lot easier. The aircraft was designed with the sole purpose of training pilots, and therefore it performs extremely well in our programme. You will come to love the P2002; it flies well, and it is easy to handle. This is the platform in which you will spend 75 hours of initial flight training and up to 50 of these are solo flying hours.

Twin-Engine Tecnam P2006T

This trainer aircraft is a high-wing twin-engine glass-cockpit aircraft. The aircraft is equipped with two Rotax engines and is extremely fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly. The aircraft is built for training purposes and has flight characteristics which are ideal for this purpose. The aircraft performs extremely well in terms of take-off and landing distances and handles well on one engine. This aircraft is the platform in which you will fly all your IFR and CPL training. It is the aircraft in which you will fly during both your skill tests, i.e., the flight exams. And it is the aircraft in which you will have the opportunity to travel across Europe during your SPIC training.

UPRT-fly Zlin 242

The UPset Recovery Training aircraft we use is a Zlin 242. It is a military, fully aerobatic aircraft, and it is vastly more capable than what is required for the UPRT training. You will experience fully developed spins in this aircraft, zero gravity, and rather a few Gs to go with that. This will be the platform on which you do your final flying in small aircraft, and it will take place out of the headquarters in Aarhus, Denmark.

Do you want to be a pilot?

Enroll, or get answers to your questions at one of our future information meetings.
