All students at all bases visit at least one different base during their training. All students visit Spain during winter to benefit from the stable weather conditions. Spain offers terrain, and Scandinavia lots of rain. The fact that our students fly out of different bases makes our education so much better than if we flew out of one base only, because in the process of facing different challenges, our students get intensified learning.
GreyBird Pilot Academy’s Bases
GreyBird Pilot Academy encompasses various locations, including home bases, flying bases, theoretical bases, and some that serve more purposes. Students are assigned a home base, which is always equipped with amenities provided by GreyBird, including common rooms and classrooms. Here, students can either work independently or in groups. Courses in subjects like management, mathematics, and other areas supplementary to pilot education are readily available at these sites.
A student’s education is anchored at their home base. If a student needs to relocate temporarily to another base for flying, simulator training, or specific subject instruction, GreyBird schedules the travel. This includes arranging tickets and accommodation at the temporary location as part of the integrated course price. As a result, the cost remains consistent for the student, whether they are flying in Denmark or Spain, allowing GreyBird to optimize student placement for efficiency and effectiveness. For example, most students will fly out of Spain during the winter and out of Denmark during the summer.
Our bases:
Denmark, Aarhus: GreyBird Headquarters, Home Base, Theory Base, Flying Base, and Simulator Bays
Denmark, Copenhagen: Home Base and Theory Base
Sweden, Stockholm: Home Base and Theory Base
Sweden, Gothenburg: Home Base and Theory Base
Spain, Cordoba: Flying Base and Theory Base
Upcoming bases:
Helsinki, Finland We are currently in the process of opening our Helsinki Home Base and Theory Base in 2025
Dublin, Ireland We are currently in the process of opening our Dublin Home Base and Theory Base in 2025
Lyon, France We are currently in the process of opening our Lyon Home Base and Theory Base in 2025
Paris, France We are currently in the process of opening our Paris Home Base and Theory Base in 2025
If you are interested in learning more about our plans for these upcoming bases, please contact Johanna Ekman Klasman, Head of New Markets:
📞 +46 761 189 047
In Spain, Cordoba – the base has ideal weather conditions for winter training. Cordoba is a beautiful historical city with a nice modern airport and ideal training conditions.
At GreyBird, we offer the possibility of studying theory in Aarhus, Copenhagen, Gothenburg or Stockholm. We start new classes every January and August.